Tuesday, September 9, 2008

my HERO!

So after my internship today Wade very graciously said he would pick me up and give me a ride home. As I approached the car I noticed a nice little surprise sitting (better yet sound asleep)in the back seat, my monkey Noah. While being transported to my house I suddenly realize that I neglected to put the house keys in my backback.....seriously....I thought I was done with this curse! So once again I have locked myself out of something. Wade and I decided to head to the house anyway to see if we could find another way in. I will admit I am usually on Matich for forgetting to turn off the light, or close the window, etc. So with my luck....today he remembered to do ALL of the above, everything closed and accounted for! Inspector Wade decided to take a look around the house and check for an entrance one more time. He was MIA for a few minutes so Noah and I decided to go have a look. To our surprise, Wade had managed to make a small opening only big enough for our favorite little guy Noah. I turned to Noah and asked, "Hey Monkey can Opa lift you up through the hole so you can unlock the door for Aunt Arn?" His reply, "Ya, I do it!". So I lifted him to Opa Wade, who slowly helped to get him in. Wade and I held back the laughs as we heard "Im in, I did it!". That little man climbed off the counter, through the house, straight to the front door. In like flin I like to say! Noah saved the day! It was very obvious he was very proud of himself and he should have! There were high-fives all around and a "skittle" of rewards. We were all so excited and I was SO PROUD of him that we decided to re-enact the event!




save the day again...good job boys...please make us a copy of your keys maybe 2 sets...luv mom

Toppy said...

Horray Noah

Us in a paragraph said...

He's already done this this for me when he was only 2! I am surprised he got down off the counter ok, he didn't have to do that last time! Good job Noah :)

Maryann said...

I love your house Amber! Nice work. Where is it?

Leslie said...

ok Amber I hope you don't think I am crazy, but it's me Leslie Marben...I don't know if you remember me but you can look up my blog and refresh your memory if you don't www.nickandles.blogspot.com. I found your blog through shaynas and I found shaynas blog through facebook. ha! You look so great! You look so happy too. I hope all is well with you.

Julie Knowlton said...

I think not, Little Puppy!